
JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair is the main art jewellery event in Spain.

The event is part of Barcelona Jewellery Week, along with Barcelona Watch Experience. The 9th edition of JOYA promotes the best in international art jewellery. Located at Arts Santa Mónica as a cultural space, it brings together domestic and international artists, galleries, schools and collectives with conferences and parallel events in Barcelona.

JOYA has created an international network that, once a year, exhibits the work of artists from all over the world, inviting gallery owners and collectors to the event, along with a cultural elite interested in discovering the latest creations in high level art jewellery. JOYA is also a dissemination and communication showcase for specialist and general media outlets and both online and offline publications.

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
5-7 October 2017
Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7
Barcelona – Spain[:en]

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair is the main art jewellery event in Spain.

The event is part of Barcelona Jewellery Week, along with Barcelona Watch Experience. The 9th edition of JOYA promotes the best in international art jewellery. Located at Arts Santa Mónica as a cultural space, it brings together domestic and international artists, galleries, schools and collectives with conferences and parallel events in Barcelona.

JOYA has created an international network that, once a year, exhibits the work of artists from all over the world, inviting gallery owners and collectors to the event, along with a cultural elite interested in discovering the latest creations in high level art jewellery. JOYA is also a dissemination and communication showcase for specialist and general media outlets and both online and offline publications.

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
5-7 October 2017
Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7
Barcelona – Spain[:es]

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair es el principal evento de joyería artística en España.

Pertenece a la Barcelona Jewellery Week, conjuntamente con Barcelona Watch Experience. En su novena edición promueve lo mejor de la joyería artística internacional. En el marco del Arts Santa Mónica como espacio cultural, aglutina a artistas nacionales e internacionales, galerías, escuelas, colectivos, conferencias y eventos paralelos en la ciudad de Barcelona.

JOYA ha creado una red internacional que una vez al año expone la obra de artistas de todo el mundo, e invita a galeristas, coleccionistas y una elite cultural interesada en conocer las últimas creaciones en joyería artística de alto nivel. Es un escaparate de difusión y comunicación para los medios especializados, generalistas y publicaciones on y offline.

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
5-7 de Octubre 2017
Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7
Barcelona – España



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